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DNBN - Afterlife V.2 (Cubase Psytrance Template)

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speedsound rec

Зарегистрирован: 02.06.2012
Сообщения: 184

Репутация: 163.2

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Окт 30, 2023 8:02 am    Заголовок сообщения: DNBN - Afterlife V.2 (Cubase Psytrance Template) Ответить с цитатой

Pack preview:

"DNBN - Afterlife" is a cutting-edge psytrance track that serves as a complete, ready-to-use template for music producers looking to delve into the world of psytrance and master the art of crafting captivating tracks. Secure your copy today and unveil the intricate process behind this exceptional composition, including the mixing and mastering techniques employed.

If you're in search of the ideal foundation for your next exceptional track, look no further. This product equips you with the essential tools to embark on your musical journey into the realm of psytrance. Act swiftly to acquire your copy and immerse yourself in the ethereal soundscape of the "Afterlife" with "DNBN - Afterlife."

Key Reasons to Purchase this Product:

• A robust starting point for your next chart-topping hit.
• MIDI files provided for all drum components, making it easy to substitute with your preferred drum kit.
• Exceptionally user-friendly, facilitating a seamless learning experience.
• Effortlessly navigate through all instruments, with each element meticulously named and color-coded.
• Streamlined organization with presets and audio samples neatly separated into distinct folders.
• Professional mixing and mastering applied to ensure top-quality sound.
Please Note: Ensure that you have the latest versions of all the plugins used in this template for optimal performance.

Product Details:

• Cubase Template (Cubase Pro 12)
• Duration: 4 minutes and 6 seconds
• BPM: 140
• Root Key: Fm
• Plugins Used: Serum, Sylenth1, Xfer LFO (for Sidechain), Voxengo PHA-979, Fabfilter Saturn, Fabfilter Pro-R.
• Audio Channels: 8 (Vocal, FX, Drums)
• MIDI Channels: 23 (Drums, Bass, Sequences, Leads)

download now:

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#Cubase #psytrance #musicproducer #psyproducer #progressive #template #psychedelic #trance #fullon #loops #psychedelictrance
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